The Action Required Notifications and FYI Notifications tabs contain a Visible column with an eye icon. In the main notification listing, you use this icon to hide and show notifications by notification ID. For example, you can hide all instances of Notification 26 in your ICE file.
Once you hide notifications, you can use the Visible icon to show them again. In Review Board, all notifications are shown in ICE 2D plan view unless you hide them.
•When the eye is open, the notification is visible:
•When the eye is closed, the notification is hidden.
•When the eye icon is grayed out, the hide/show command is unavailable.
For FYI Notifications, you can click the Visible icon at any time to hide and show notifications. However, for Action Required Notifications, you can only click the Visible icon after you add Review Comments. Review Comments are required for Action Required Notifications; therefore, if you do not add one, the Visible icon remains unavailable.
To Hide and Show Action Required Notifications and FYI Notifications
1.In Review Board, open the Action Required Notifications or FYI Notifications tab.
The tab lists all of the Action Required Notifications or FYI Notifications in your ICE file, as shown in this example:
2.Find the notification that you want to hide.
3.If you want to hide an Action Required Notification, confirm it has a Review Comment, and add one if required.
If an Action Required Notifications does not have Review Comments, the Visible icon is unavailable, and you cannot hide the notification. In this example image, Notification 26 has a Review Comment, so the Visible icon is active. However, Notification 34 does not have a Review Comment, so the Visible icon is unavailable:
4.Click the Visible icon for the notification that you want to hide.
In this example, we click the Visible icon to hide Notification 26:
The eye in the Visible column closes and the notification disappears from ICE 2D plan view. In this example, the eye in the Visible icon for Notification 26 is closed, and the notification is no longer visible in ICE 2D plan view:
4.If you want the notification to show again in ICE 2D plan view, click the Visible icon with the closed eye.
The eye in the Visible icon opens and notification appears in ICE 2D plan view. In this example, the eye in the Visible icon for Notification 26 is now open, and the notification appears in ICE 2D plan view:
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