After you turn Selection Areas on in the View menu, you can draw a Selection Area in ICE 2D plan view.
1.On the ICE 2D toolbar, click Draw Area.
Your mouse cursor turns into a cross hair. This is the Selection Area drawing tool:
2.In the location where you want to start drawing the Selection Area, click and release.
In the spot where you click, a blue circle appears around the drawing tool. A length of 0" appears above the circle, indicating that you have not started drawing the Selection Area:
3.To create the first line in the Selection Area, move your mouse.
As you move your mouse, a dotted line appears, connecting the drawing tool to the blue circle. If you are perpendicular to the first point, a second blue circle appears when you stop moving your mouse. Above the second circle, a measurement appears, showing the length of the line:
4.Left-click to end the first line, creating a point.
The length above the second blue circle resets to 0", and the dotted line that you drew in step 3 becomes a solid line.
5.To start drawing the next line in the Selection Area, move your mouse.
When you stop moving your mouse a blue circle appears around the drawing tool, and a measurement appears above the tool, indicating the length of the line:
6.Left-click to end the line.
The length above the circle resets to 0", and the dotted line becomes a solid line.
7.Repeat steps 5-6 until the shape of Selection Area is complete.
8.To finish drawing the Selection Area, right-click.
The Selection Area appears in ICE 2D plan view. Selection Areas are automatically assigned a color and a selection area name. You can change the color and name in the Properties Editor. In this image, the automatic Selection Area name is Area 5, and the color is pink:
9.If you want your Selection Area to save with your ICE file, click Save.
After you draw a Selection Area, you can modify its shape.