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Navigation: DESIGN > DIRTT > Walls > 6" Walls

Changing Wall Thickness for 4" and 6" Walls

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After you draw a 4" or 6" wall, you can open the Properties Editor to change the wall thickness.


1.To select the i-Line, click the middle of the wall.


The i-Line becomes highlighted yellow when selected.


wall properties 1


2.Click Properties.


wall properties 2


The Properties and Finishes Editor opens, allowing you to adjust wall properties and finishes. When you make changes in the Properties and Finishes Editor, the wall automatically updates in ICE.


wall properties 3


3.Under Select the objects to edit, confirm that Wall Modules is selected.


wall thickness 1


4.In Wall Thickness, choose 4" or 6".


wall thickness 2


In ICE, the wall updates to show the new thickness.


Related Links:

Using Confirm

Drawing a 6" Wall

Justifying i-Lines While Drawing

Changing Wall Thickness


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software