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Specifying a Ceiling Antler with a Non-stack Style

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In the Style Manager, you can specify Ceiling Antler ceiling perimeter support extrusion with a non-Stack style. After you create and save a wall style with a Ceiling Antler, your style appears in the ICE Product Palette, and you can draw it in ICE 2D plan view.


Note: Ceiling support extrusions provide perimeter support for drop ceilings. However, they do not include drop-in ceiling tiles, t-bars, and other ceiling components.


To Specify a Ceiling Antler with a Non-stack Style

1.In the Product Palette, right-click on a non-stack wall style and choose Edit Style.


ceiling antler 7


The wall style opens in the Style Manager.


2.To select a horizontal extrusion, click it.


If you want to specify Ceiling Antlers on both sides of the non-stack wall,

hold down on the CTRL key, and click the horizontal extrusion on Side A or Side B.

If you want to specify Ceiling Antlers on one side of the non-stack wall,

on the side you want to specify, click the horizontal extrusion.


The selected horizontal extrusion(s) appears highlighted red. This image shows the horizontal extrusion on Side A highlighted red:


ceiling antler 1


3.To open the Properties Editor, click Properties.




The Properties Editor opens.


4.Under Select the objects to edit, confirm that a check mark appears in the box beside Extrusions.


This image shows the check box beside Extrusions selected. The Extrusions section appears under Selections:


ceiling antler 2


5.In the Horizontal Reveal menu, choose Enzo Reveal.


This image shows Enzo Reveal selected for the Horizontal Reveal:


ceiling antler 3


6.In the Type of Extrusion menu, choose Ceiling Support Antler Extrusion.


In the Style Manager, your style updates. This image shows the Ceiling Support Antler in the Style Manager and the Properties Editor:


ceiling antler 4


7.If you want Infection prevention, in the Coplanar menu, choose Yes (Infection Prevention Ready).


This image shows Coplanar set to Yes (Infection Prevention ready):


ceiling antler 5


8.If you want to adjust the height of the Ceiling Support Antler Extrusion,

a.Under Horizontal Extrusion Offset Reference Point, choose a reference point.


b.Under Extrusion Start - Offset Value, type a new offset.


In this image, the reference point is Top Of Ceiling. To move the Ceiling Support Antler up, we would reduce the value in the Extrusion Start - Offset Value field (for example, 24.0").


ceiling antler 6


Tip: When using Top of the Ceiling as the Offset Reference Point, 7.83" (198.8mm)  is the minimum Extrusion Start - Offset Value that you can enter. If you use a value that is lower than 7.83", Notification 130 appears.


9.Once you finish creating your style, save it in the the Style Manager, and it appears in the ICE Product Palette.



Related Links:

Specifying a Ceiling Antler with a Stack Style

Specifying Ceiling Support Extrusions for Different Ceiling Heights

Saving a Ceiling Style

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software