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Clearing Unused Styles

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In the Style Manager, you can clear unused user styles. User styles are the styles that you and other users create in ICE. They are different than the idea starters that are part of the installed catalogs. You cannot delete idea starters from ICE.


Clearing unused user styles improves ICE performance. We recommend that you occasionally clear unused styles to improve performance and maintain a well-organized Product Palette.


When you clear unused styles, ICE will not delete styles that are in ICE. If a style appears in a specific ICE file, that style will still be available when you open that ICE file.


1.Open the Style Manager


2.In the Edit menu, choose Remove Non-used User Styles.


clearing styles


ICE clears the unused styles from the Produce Palette.


Related Links:

Deleting Styles from the Product Palette


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software