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Adding a Dimension Chain Along a Run

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In AutoCAD, you can created a chained or continued dimension along a run. A chained dimension continues a previously created dimension line along a run. This image shows the dimension chain for a run:




To Add a Dimension Chain Along a Run

Before you add a dimension chain, add a dimension from which to create the chain.


1.On the AutoCAD toolbar, click the Annotate tab.


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The Annotate tab opens, showing the Dimensions group.


2.Click Continue.


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AutoCAD prompts you to Specify second extension line or origin.


3.On its end point, click the dimension line that you want to continue.


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AutoCAD prompts you to Specify second extension line or origin to select the next point.


4.Move your cursor to the next point on the run.


5.To create a continued dimension, click the point.


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6.If you want to dimension additional segments in a run, repeat steps 3 and 4 until finished.


7.Press ESC.


The chained or continued dimension appears on all the points that you select along the run.


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