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Shop Drawing Template

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We recommend that you use a template to create your Shop Drawing. Templates have easy setup tools that help you create clean and organized drawings. The DIRTT Wall Shop Drawing Template is available on myDIRTT.


To Download the DIRTT Shop Drawing Template

1.On, click Productivity, and  choose Design.


shop drawing methodologies


The Designing with DIRTT page opens.


2.To download the shop drawing template, under Shop Drawing, click DIRTT Shop Drawing Template.


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The file saves to the downloads area on your computer. This image shows the downloaded file in Chrome:


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Once you download the DIRTT Shop Drawing Template. You can open it in AutoCAD and link it to your ICE file to create your Shop Drawing.



Related Links:

Starting a Shop Drawing

Linking and Unlinking ICE and AutoCAD


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.




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