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Saving, Exporting, and Removing DWGs

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Once ICE and AutoCAD are linked, you can save your file in either application. Whether you save your linked ICE file in ICE or AutoCAD, it saves an .ice file with an ICEcad drawing embedded in it.  The next time that you open the file in ICE, open AutoCAD, and start ICEcad to link the two applications, your drawing automatically opens.


If you want your ICE file as a separate DWG file that you can share with non-ICE users or edit in AutoCAD, you can export or remove the file. When you export a DWG, you create a copy of the ICEcad drawing that you can open and edit in the standalone AutoCAD application. However, you do not break the link between ICE and AutoCAD. The DWG file remains in your .ice file. When you remove a DWG file, you break the link between ICE and AutoCAD and save your ICEcad drawing as a DWG file. You can open and edit this file in the standalone AutoCAD application.


For more information about saving, exporting, and removing DWGs, see the links below:


Saving an ICEcad File

Exporting an ICEcad Drawing

Removing an ICEcad Drawing


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software