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DIRTT Current File Settings

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Current File Settings allow users to specify file settings for individual ICE files. When ICE files are saved, Current File Settings are maintained. This means that Current File Settings for a single ICE file will be preserved, even when the files are shared with other ICE users. To access Current File Settings, go to Edit/Current File Settings.


When the DIRTT catalog is installed, a separate DIRTT section appears in Current File Settings. Use DIRTT settings to designate a project as GSA and add Install and Freight values to the DIRTT and DIRTT Casework RCS and SFN quotes (if required).


DIRTT Current File Settings


GSA Project

RCS Freight and RCS Install

SFN Freight and SFN Install

Casework RCS Freight and Casework RCS Install

Casework SFN Freight and Casework SFN Install

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software