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Creating Project-specific Folders

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Keep projects organized with folders for Styles and Typicals.


What are we talking about:

Use folders in the ICE Product Palette to organize Styles and Typicals related to each of your projects.


What's in it for you:

Easily view and quickly access the Styles or Typicals saved by project

Keep your Product Palette organized


How you do it:

1.For Styles: Open the Style Manager and edit the Style as normal and save it. For Typicals: In the 2D window, highlight the components you want to turn into a Typical and select the Create Typical icon.

2.In the Save Style/Create Typical dialog box:

a.Name your Style/Typical

b.Provide a Description/Tooltip

c.Highlight the folder you want your project to be under,

d.Select New Folder...

e.Enter the name of the project the Style/Typical is for and click OK. Your new project folder will appear in the Product Palette. For future project-related Styles/Typicals, simply select your project folder as the save location.


Advanced ICEtips and Notes:

Right-click a folder in the Product Palette to delete the folder and it contents.

Project-related folders will only appear in the Product Palette when you are editing an ICE file with those styles present (provided you DID NOT click Show in All Sessions... option).



Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software