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Changing a Wall Segment to a Door

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You can select a wall segment and use the Properties Editor to change the wall to a door. Using this method to place a door allows you to ensure that you place the door exactly where you want it to be.


1.Double-click the wall segment.


When the segment is selected, it is highlighted red.


wall to door 1


2.Right-click and choose Properties.


wall to door 2


3.Under Select the objects to edit, select Wall Modules.


wall to door 3


4.Click the ... button beside Wall Style.


wall to door 4


The Modifying Wall Style dialog opens.


wall to door 5


5.Navigate to a door style and select it.


wall to door 6


In the Properties Editor and ICE 2D, the door style updates.


wall to door 7


6.If you want to rotate the door, double-click on it, and press the period "." or comma key "," on your keyboard.


wall to door 8


Related Links:

Inserting Doors and Changing Pivot


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software