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Front and Back Setbacks for Horizontal Shelves and Vertical Dividers

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Horizontal shelves and vertical dividers can both be specified to have front and back setbacks. This defines a pullback on the shelf or divider so that there is a gap between the front of the shelf/divider and the front of the unit or the back of the shelf/divider and the back of the unit.


Add a front setback to allow LED lighting to illuminate the whole cabinet and a back setback for wire management.




Add different front or back setback values for adjustable or fixed shelves and dividers in a unit if required. For each group of shelves or dividers that require a different front or back setback, follow steps 1-4 below. Notification 5006 appears when adjustable shelves with different setbacks are adjacent to each other in the same unit. These units must be reviewed by DIRTT Casework Pricing (



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