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ICEreality Create: Inviting Participants

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ICEreality Create offers a variety of ways to invite participants to the experience.


Using the QR Code


The ICEreality Create window generates a QR code. This QR code can be scanned using the camera on a supported mobile device. If the device scanning the QR code has ICEreality Connect installed, the application will automatically launch and join the experience.


IMG_ICEreality-Create-007 ICEreality Create window with a phone scanning the QR code


Using the 9 Digit Code


The ICEreality Create window generates a 9 digit code. Much like a phone number, this number can be inputted into ICEreality Connect which will join to the experience. This number can be sent in whichever way is most appropriate to your guests.


IMG_ICEreality-Create-008 ICEreality Create window with a focus on the nine digit code


Using an Email Invite


1.With the ICEreality Create window open, click the invite button.


2.Select one of the following options.


a.Send via email will launch the default email program on your computer and pre-populate an email with invitation information.

b.Copy to clipboard will copy invitation text which can then be pasted into your preferred email or communication program.


 IMG_ICEreality-Create-009 ICEreality Create window with Invite options


3.The participants will appear under the bar as they connect to the experience.


 IMG_ICEreality-Create-010 ICEreality Create window with guest connected

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