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Navigation: DESIGN > DIRTT > Walls > Style Manager

Exporting All Styles

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You can export all of the user styles in an ICE file to a specified folder location. Exporting all styles allows you to share commonly used project styles with other ICE users who are working on the same project.


1. ICE 2D plan view, go to the File Menu and select Export Style(s).


exporting all styles 1


2.Navigate to the save location, and click Export.




ICE creates a date and time-stamped folder for the exported styles in the specified location. You can share this folder with other ICE users, and they can import the styles into ICE.





Related Links:

Exporting a Style

Importing Styles


Topic last updated on 3/16/2023.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software