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Changing to US Healthcare Wiring

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ICE supports US Healthcare wiring standards and hospital grade receptacles. It also provides you with an accurate pricing, order details, and representation in 2D and 3D.  It is recommended to have a complete electrical design before changing to the US Healthcare wiring standards. To change your commercial default wiring to US Healthcare wiring:


1.Select the receptacle.

2.Right-click and select Properties.

3.Under Electrical Cable Properties/Connector Properties, change Electrical Box Application to Healthcare (USA).


4.Change Apply Bend To Path to True.

5.A question mark notification may appear. To remove it:

i.Select the question mark.

ii.Select Accept all similar changes remove the question mark notification.


Helpful Hint: To quickly make changes to similar items, select an item, press the Alt key and box select your layout. For more details, go to this Tip and Trick.


See also:

Changing US Healthcare Wire Configuration

Changing Wire Fill to 4-wire

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