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Navigation: DESIGN > DIRTT > Walls > Working with Walls

Changing Wall Length

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After you draw a wall, you can change it's length.


1.Hover your mouse cursor over either end of the wall until the cross hairs appears.


changing wall 1


2.Click and drag your mouse to length or shorten the wall.


Tooltip text appears displaying the new wall length. You also see a preview of the updated wall length.


This example image shows a wall being lengthened:

changing wall 2


This example image shows a wall being shortened:

changing wall 3

3.When you finish lengthening or shorting the wall, release the mouse button.


The wall appears.


This image shows the shortened wall:

changing wall 4


This image shows the lengthened wall:

changing wall 5

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software