Geometry Tools are located in the Product Tree. These are lines drawn in a plan and can be used like DXF lines.
Line - To draw a regular line in ICE, similar to a line in CAD. This entity has no "intelligence" and is mostly used for creating reference points or adding lines that will eventually be Instawalled or Center Walled into i-Lines. Line is also used as a space planning tool to measure out specific distances when used with the Confirm function.
Snap Line - Snap Lines have intelligence in that they will force an i-Line to snap to it to create an end condition or panel break.
A typical wall panel:
A wall with a Snap Line at the end condition. Notice the X-Wing is gone.
A wall with a Snap Line Intersecting it. Notice the panel break created at the Snap Line location.
Circles and Arcs - To draw a regular Circle or Arc in ICE, similar to a circle or arc in CAD. This entity has no "intelligence" and is mostly used for reference.