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The Recommended Custom Sell (RCS) generates a report that lists the price a customer will be charged for in a project. It is a detailed list of product information with prices.


To view the RCS:


1.Select the $ icon in the upper right-hand corner.




2.The last quote opened will be viewed.


To view other related quotes:


1.Select the black arrow next to the $ icon.




NOTE: The RCS can be placed in a Word document in order to add custom pricing, freight charges and taxes.


To do this:


1.Once the RCS is opened, under the View menu and choose Print Friendly View.


2.Select the entire document and the Copy.


3.Open a blank Word document and Paste.


Having the RCS in Word will also allow for screen shots of the plan to be added.


After all information and pictures are added to the RCS in the Word document, it can be saved as a PDF (using a standard PDF writer like Cute PDF) and easily emailed to the Client.

Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 3 © by EC Software